The Disruption of Vendor
Management Systems

Are you ready to launch?

Event Concluded

Vendor Management Systems have struggled to evolve from the basic procurement functionality for which they were created. NPS scores have been negative for half a decade. And now an explosion of interest in the extended workforce by organizations and talent is challenging VMS solution providers to keep up with the complexities of a more demanding, sophisticated global workforce.


Something needs to change. But what should you look for in a VMS to find solutions that will deliver better experiences, more efficiency, and that can keep up with technologies like AI?


Join Ardent Partner’s Senior Vice President of Research, Chris Dwyer, and Flextrack’s Managing Director Jeff Mike to discuss how VMS has evolved, and must evolve, to meet the demands of a productive, human-centered Future of Work.


You will find answers to questions like:


▶  Why skills? Why now?

▶  Is it really just about replacing degrees on job descriptions?

▶  What is the impact of skills on productivity? DEI? Career Development?

▶  What is the role of the extended workforce in skills-based talent strategies?

▶  What is the relationship between the EW and FTE? How can we bridge the silos?

▶  What role does technology play in skills-based hiring? In the extended workforce?

▶  How do we get there?

Jeff Mike

Managing Director of Customer Strategy and Value at Flextrack

Chris Dwyer

Vice President of Research at Ardent Partners